How Caple Churchyard

How Caple is a wonderful place; a green sanctuary abounding with plantlife and awe-inspiring scenery.

Hilda Lee from How Caple Court, has a vision that the churchyard should reflect this and has inspired a group of residents to meet each Friday morning to carry out gardening work throughout the churchyard and especially around the gravestones. The mission is to create a beautiful garden of remembrance where visitors can sit and be thoughtful, visit the graves and to simply be at peace with the surroundings.

Work is also being carried out on the grave stones themselves, bringing ancient indecipherable acknowledgements back to life, and information from the graves is been collated for research purposes.

Below is a list of all the graves in How Caple Churchyard.

Churchyard Map

Not to scale.   Not to be used for navigational purposes.  It may help you find one of the graves below.  Kindly drawn by Hilda Lee.  Errors and Ommissions to the churyard team

Gravestones in How Caple Churchyard

To search for a name or part of a name on a gravestone, press the ‘ctrl’ key and the letter ‘f’ at the same time to bring up a search box. Enter the name you are searching in the box and you will see a list of possibilities.

The alphabeticised sections below refer to the the surname that appears on the gravestone.

The numbers next to the name refer to the numbering system used on the on the map of the churchyard. (To be added)

Gravestones A-H

Allen (55) - Rupert Allen,


Am….. (22) - Elizabeth, wife of George Am……(Indecipherable))

Baker (20) - John Norcrave Baker, Harriet Emma Baker

Berwick (60a) - Lynne Berwick

Bev….. (25) - Bev…. (Indecipherable)

(Hardy-) Bishop (69) - Arthur Hardy-Bishop, Lily Hardy-Bishop

(Hardy-) Bishop (70) - Margaret Elizabeth Hardy-Bishop

Boyd (40) - Frederick Charles Boyd BA Oxon

Clissold (27) - Maria Clissold

Colburn (4) - Percy Garfield Colburn, George Colburn, Jane Colburn, Florence Colburn, Mary Jane Colburn

Dalley (63) - Richard Dalley

Dalley (64) - Thomas Dalley, Ann Dalley

Davies (37) - Violet M. Davies, Albert Davies

Davies (57) - 3981 Private F. Davies

Earle (50) - Margaret Grey Earle

Eddles (68) - Clara Irene Eddles

Edwards (21a) - John Edwards

[Eliza] (47) - Eliza …..lames (Indecipherable)

Fisher (85A) - James Fisher

George (45) - Charles Arthur George, Dorothy May George

(Grey) Earle (50) - Margaret Grey Earle

Gwillim (73) - James Gwillim, Mary Gwillim (wife), Mary Gwillim (daughter)

Hall (74) - Ann Hall

Hall (75) - John Hall

Hames (15) - Joshua Hames

Hardy-Bishop (69) - Arthur Hardy-Bishop, Lily Hardy-Bishop

Hardy-Bishop (70) - Margaret Elizabeth Hardy-Bishop

Harris (48) - William Harris, Elizabeth Harris

Harvey (53) - Alexander Harvey, Mary Orr Harvey

Hogben (59) - W.H.E.Hogben, Leah Hogben

Hogben (59a) - Violet Hogben

Hooper (30) - Charles Younger HoopeGravestones I-Pr

Howard (17) - James Howard

Hull (54) - Frederick George Hull

Hunter-Little (43) - Lt Col Cecil Hunter-Little

Gravestones I-P

Indecipherable (18, 22, 25, 41, 47, 61, 72, 81, 83, 84)

Jackson (42) - Joseph Jackson, Mary Jackson

(Nee) Kee (12) - Dulcie Mearns Round (nee Kee), John Reginald Round

Lee (10) - Peter Lennox Lee

Lee (55a) - David James Lee

Lee (71) - Roger Malcolm Lee, Henrietta Burleigh Lee, Lennox Bertram Lee, Edith Gertrude Lee

Little (43) - Lt Colonel Cecil Hunter Little, DSO, MBE, Dorothea Katharine Little

Luckett (5) - Cecily Luckett, Charles Luckett

Luckett (8) - Emily Luckett

Lyall (29) -  William Lyall

Markham (66) - Beryl E. Markham

Matthews (3) - Mary Matthews

Mirylees (65) - James Smith, Elizabeth Mary Ellinor (nee Riddell) Mirylees, Jaqueline Frances Stewart (Mirylees?), Andrew Gavin Mirylees

Mirylees (65A) - Fiona Mirylees

(Murray) Vaughan (14) - Ellen Murray Vaughan

Nash (6) - Richard Nash, Mary Ann Nash

Norman (13) - Ann Norman, George Norman

Oakley (35) - Samuel Oakley

(Orr) Harvey (53) - Alexander Harvey, Mary Orr Harvey

(nee) Owen (39) - Albert Watkins, Lucy Charlotte Watkins (nee Owen)

Pain (19) - Ellen Pain

Parsons (62) - Mary Parsons

(Patterson) Paulin (38) - George Patterson Paulin MA

Paulin (38) - George Patterson Paulin MA

Phillips (49) - Thomas Phillips Mary Ann Phillips

Powell (2) - Catharine Powell, William Powell, John Powell, Perina Powell,

Powell (16) - Eleanor Powell

Price (21) - Caroline Price

Prosser (31) - George Prosser

Gravestones Q-Z

Robarts (85) - Elinor Robarts

Ravinhill (82) - George Ravinhill

Ross (12a) - Michael Ross

Round (12) - Dulcie Mearns Round (nee Kee), John Reginald Round

Sadler (58) - Frederick Sadler, Rose Jane Sadler

Sexty (28) - John Henry Sexty, Charles William Sexty, Elizabeth Mary Sexty, Richard Sexty

Sheward (60) - Richard Sheward

Slade (1) - Mary Slade, Catherine Slade, Thomas Slade

Smith (65) - James Smith, Elizabeth Mary Ellinor (nee Riddell) Mirylees, Jaqueline Frances Stewart (Mirylees?), Andrew Gavin Mirylees

Stanley (11) - Bernard Stanley

(Stewart) Mirylees (65) - James Smith, Elizabeth Mary Ellinor (nee Riddell) Mirylees, Jaqueline Frances Stewart (Mirylees?), Andrew Gavin Mirylees

Stillingfleet (23) - Stillingfleet (mostly indecipherable)

Stillingfleet (24) - Rev. Edward Stillingfleet

Tame (46) - Ivy Muriel Tame

Tayler (52) - Joseph Tayler

Thompson (57a) - Major William Vernon Henry Thompson

Thompson (67) - Hugh Cecil Thompson M.A.

Trigg (56) - ElizabethTrigg

Trupp (7) - Joseph Trupp, (2 indecipherable), John Trupp

Unmarked (36, 19a)

Vaughan (14) - Ellen Murray Vaughan

Vaughan (51) - Alfred Vaughan

Vobes (79) - Vobes (Indecipherable)

Vobes (80) - Thomas Vobes, John Vobes

Watkins (39) - Albert Watkins, Lucy Charlotte Watkins (nee Owen)

Watkins (44) - Henry Watkins, Nora May Watkins

Wattis (78) - Wattis (Indecipherable)

Williams (26) - Marion Eliza Williams

Williams (86) - Playfair Williams

Winter (9) - Alice Winter

Winter (76) - Donald Winter

(Younger) Hooper (30) - Charles Younger Hooper

Zeno-Zenkovich (77) - Memorial for Biddy Zeno-Zenkovich (now buried in Italy)

Roger Malcolm Lee, Henrietta Burleigh Lee, Lennox Bertram Lee, Edith Gertrude Lee

Richard Nash, Mary Ann Nash

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© 2021 Friends Of How Caple Church.  Charity Number: 1202508

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